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Sexual harassment essay

Sexual harassment essay

sexual harassment essay

Jun 06,  · Another angle that will be taken up in this essay is the society’s take on sexual harassment. We will discuss the views of Indian society as well as the western, so called ‘modern’ societies. Sexual harassment is not a topic of this generation. It has existed and sadly, survived through the older blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Jul 28,  · Sexual harassment: "unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical constitute sexual harassment". This is what is defined as sexual harassment in Ohio. There are many different reasons you or another person could be accused of sexual harassment/5(6) Gender Harassment And Sexual Harassment Essay Words | 7 Pages Bennett-Alexander & Hartman () mentions that sexual harassment is based on gender and does not “Involve sex, requests for sexual activity, comments, or anything similar” (Bennett-Alexander & Hartman, , p.

Sexual Harassment Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

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It is noticeable that the number of sexual harassment cases taking place is increasing rapidly, which gives a clear idea of the existence of many reasons, one of which is how people in authority are not taking this huge sexual harassment essay into account and are not trying to prevent it. Such actions have serious consequences and, which results in that the world should make fast moves towards preventing these actions from happening and saving many young teens in the best years of their lives from being mentally or even literally destructed.

In this matter it was cleared out that the harasser and the victim can be from the same sex no matter who harasses whom, sexual harassment essay. This term sometimes extends to include gender harassment, sexual harassment essay, harassment based on sexual orientation, and Sexual abuse. It also in result it is a very important step that the victim tells the harasser that what he is doing is not welcome nor is it wanted.

The action of assault or harassment sexual harassment essay usually carried out by person, who is in a position of power. In order to do that they either have to hide their identity or show it but in the same time have the ability to keep the victims mouth shut under every condition. Like any other power struggle, many instances of sexual harassment are initiated and negotiated by a person in a position of authority and are sustained at the expense of another who cannot counter demands without risk of reprisal student teacher vs, sexual harassment essay.

student, principal vs. Although sexual harassment is not an accepted deed within any society, it still does have motivations. Harassers are people and they sexual harassment essay mistakes, but there is something that pushes them towards such a behavior. One of the reasons is the way women dress that some times gets beyond attractive to be sexy, which is irresistible for some sexual harassment essay. Another motivation, the place of work some women choose to work within.

For instance, living in a society like sexual harassment essay United States or European countries would create people who would commit an action like the harassment. As mentioned above the way people dress is also a huge factor in this problem.

Everybody kisses everybody at all times; happiness and sorrow, which is what makes these teenagers always ask for more. In addition to that limitation women should be dressed a certain way so that they would not cause the attraction, which then results in problems and crisis that are unsolvable and harmful.

Women should cover every part of their bodies excluding the face and hands, and sexual harassment essay dresses should never be tight, short, or too long to walk with. It should be a decent color and decent jewelry that does not bring noise.

Same for shoes heals, for they cannot cause noise while walking. Cosmetiques are not allowed for two reasons; one is that they change the way God created the person. Secondly, they attract the other sex and cause what is not supposed to exist.

Drinking, doing drugs, and kissing, and any further action in this matter is completely forbidden. This environment absolutely safe, and does not allow any type of harassment to take place. The previous was a small set of the differences between the two societies if a person can limit them in tow.

He may develop psychological and somatic symptoms that mirror those of victims of other crimes, sexual harassment essay, particularly sexual assault. He reports anxiety, sexual harassment essay, depression, irritability, anger, weight-loss, uncontrolled crying, fatigue and dental problems. On professional bases they perform decreased job satisfaction, performance and a disruption in his career and relationships with his co-workers.

It affects the harasser a little differently, for the harasser does not face any outcomes unless allegations against them were investigated. The harasser will also face both personal and professional reprisals for their behaviors. He will face career related outcomes and strained relationships with coworkers. This person will not be trusted anymore, and his friends and everybody he knows will be shocked and not able to interact with this person any longer.

He as well may lose his career and family. Not only does the sexual assault hurt the people involved, sexual harassment essay, but it also gets beyond that to get more people harmed. The regulations people make are not convenient for either of the parents or the children, sexual harassment essay.

All these reasons and consequences that some people go through will not come out healthy on any scale. Now is the punishment the right solution? Is the punishment harassers sexual harassment essay to face enough for them to stop what they started? Punishment for sexual harassment will range from informal counseling and apology to suspension, dismissal and legal civil and criminal prosecution.

The severity and frequency of the harassment will determine the extent of the punishment. Those kinds of punishments are enough fir a person to stop such a behavior. Moreover, a person like the harasser does not have stable personality, which is why during the punishment, no matter what kind it was, sexual harassment essay, he will only think about revenge.

The thinking he will be making all this period of sentence will about the next victim; how he or she will look? Where and how? Next step will be the same sexual harassment essay behavior but acted more professionally and more carefully. The society will not achieve anything from this trial or punishment that the government or justice put this person through but making this person even more eager to get his freedom completely and do whatever he desires again like he used to.

Off course there are people who learn from sexual harassment essay mistakes, who will finish their punishment period live straight ever after.

On the other sexual harassment essay the question what about the victim and all the changes in his life? Sometimes, when a person think about it, he finds out sexual harassment essay is really hard for the victim to recover and live his life. He never will trust anybody, sexual harassment essay, and he will always be horrified if anybody touched him or tried to be nice.

It is not as easy as it seems, on the contrary it is very hard. For the human kind were created on the base that they need each other to survive. And what this harasser does, is kill every sense of trust this person ever had, sexual harassment essay.

No body has the right to do that though. Nevertheless Moslems still have to kill this person. For other religions and laws it is banned to kill anybody under any condition. Furthermore, waiting for the punishment to solve the problem, the country would not achieve any improvement towards ending this crisis. Mostly those cases are kept in the dark and not reported for many reasons. First, most women would not report such accidents, because they were threatened when they first were forced to face the attack.

They would still have the same feeling after. She would live with the feeling of getting hurt if she tells anybody. Secondly, they take sexual harassment essay account the possibility of not proving the action on the harasser, which is when the victim would rather kill herself than live with fear of re-experiencing what she has experienced again. And even if the trail the way the victim and her lawyer hope, what will happen next? The harasser will spend a certain amount of time getting punished and the fear will still exist, for the question then is what will he do after the punishment?

Secondly, if the place where the crime took place was a place like a school or a university, this place has a certain reputation that they most likely want to either keep or grow, but never decrease.

For those peoples punishment is not the right answer all they have to think about is how to cut this unhealthy deed out completely.

They should deal with this the same way they deal with cancer either cure it by cutting it off of the body or let the ill die. There is no other solution. Curing this problem evolves around prevention. The prevention is all programs that can include all kinds of people; families, parents, the young and especially teenagers at school. Because the prevention is not all about stopping the harassers from committing any action, but it is also about making the young aware of the world and what happens around them.

They should not be naпve, one the contrary they should know they should not trust anybody. Off course they should have somebody to rely on, but not sexual harassment essay. Friends and family members, whom they have known for along time, are a perfect example of trustable people that they can hang on to. Programs like these should exist and take place in primary and high schools, in universities and colleges, even in work places. Moreover teacher and principals should be aware of what is going on between students and fats steps towards sexual harassment essay any action that might be considered as harassment.

The younger these pupils were when we start with them the sexual harassment essay. Because children always learn faster and never forget something they were taught during their childhood. People consider schools another home for their children, for they spend half of the time in the school, where they form the life friends. For that reason teachers and schools faculty should be carefully chosen. In order to have the young raised right with no problems as being harassed and other problems educational system should make sure they make interviews expanded to include psychologists that could find out the kind of mentality the teachers have and their abilities, and what they are capable of doing.

The government should be responsible for people in streets, bars, and nightclubs, and people that are drinking alcohol and doing drugs. The age for drinking alcohol should be raised to 25, because at this age people are mostly mature enough to stop themselves from doing stupid acts.

Drugs should be banned entirely and serious punishments should be taken against those who do it or deal with it. Not only do these people dealing with drugs gat themselves harmed, but they also get other innocent young females and males.

For instance there are kinds of drugs, which make the person lose conscience for two days in a row. These types of drugs are mostly used in clubs and bars. At lease they will be raped.

It is not that people should not feel free to do whatever they feel like doing, sexual harassment essay. Nevertheless, if this freedom conflicts with the safety of other people, they should choose safety over freedom. On a personal level, families should never give a complete freedom to their children. These young men and women still have plenty of time to use their right and freedom, sexual harassment essay, when they are a little older and more aware of what is going on.

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

, time: 4:56

Sexual assault and harassment - Free Essay Example |

sexual harassment essay

Sexual harassment is any unwelcome or unwanted attention either by touching or talking to a reasonable person in a way he/ she does not like. This term sometimes extends to include gender harassment, harassment based on sexual orientation, and Sexual abuse Sexual harassment is defined as “harassment (typically of a woman) in a workplace, or other professional or social situation, involving the making of unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks.” The key word in this definition show more content Gender Harassment And Sexual Harassment Essay Words | 7 Pages Bennett-Alexander & Hartman () mentions that sexual harassment is based on gender and does not “Involve sex, requests for sexual activity, comments, or anything similar” (Bennett-Alexander & Hartman, , p.

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