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Pursuit of happiness essay

Pursuit of happiness essay

pursuit of happiness essay

 ·  Purtsuit or Happyness: True Story Christopher Paul Gardner (born February 9, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin) is a self-made millionaire, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and philanthropist who, during the early s, struggled with homelessness while raising his toddler son, Christopher, Jr. Gardner's book of memoirs, The Pursuit of Happyness, was  · The Pursuit of Happyness is one of the best films that presents a strong will, self-determination, motivation, and discipline as essential constituents of success. It is significant to have insight into the idea of the film for the further evaluation. The Pursuit of Happyness is a biographical drama that describes the life of Chris Gardner. The main The Pursuit of Happiness Essay. Words3 Pages. For our Economics subject, we watched The Pursuit of Happyness, a movie based on Chris Gardner, a salesman who was not making that much money and eventually experiences homelessness with his five-year old son. He faces problems when his wife is unwilling to accept his goal to become a stockbroker

The Pursuit of Happiness Essay - Words | Bartleby

Paper Types. You are pursuit of happiness essay to use pursuit of happiness essay as an inspiration or a source for your own work. It proposes up reminders that until now the American dream subsist and pursuit of happiness essay the opportunity to everyone to find it in themselves and to achieve the highest point in their life performance.

This story is a saga of various singers, actors, performers, which are used as the examples of happy and fortunate people, pursuit of happiness essay. The Pursuit of Happyness Gardner, is a true American success and welfare story of pursuit of happiness essay person who overcame difficulties and obstacles. The Pursuit pursuit of happiness essay Happyness Gardner, is an encouraging and inspiring autobiography of a person, who overcame all pursuit of happiness essay of misfortune and adversity to become a powerful person in a world of finance.

It is faithful and rags-to-riches story pursuit of happiness essay a homeless father who brings up his son on mean and cruel streets of San Francisco and becomes a famous businessmen and moneymaker Gardner, Chris Gardner is a poor and indigent minority who is described as honest-minded, fair and comprehensive person.

He is trying to show that it is impossible to buy happiness, but money and prosperity can help in this. It is a description of a person who at no time succumbed to self compassion. He did not surrender to bitter stuff either. He censured nobody for his plight, just pushed ahead and found decisions to each situation and problem he faced Gardner, Investigation of these questions will show the inner world of the main hero, pursuit of happiness essay, interesting patterns of his behavior and the things which influenced his strong desire and thirst to become the number one in the world of finance.

Chris Gardner was born and grown up in the Milwaukee inner-city ghetto. He was a dutiful, quiet and good child who got into the mishap from time to time, but stayed on a stable, pursuit of happiness essay, upward track Gardner, Gardner was poor, indigent and fatherless.

His worship and adored mother Bettye Jean was strong on church and children and was not all the time near. When she was incarcerated, Chris stayed with relatives Gardner, pursuit of happiness essay, Violent, spiteful and hateful he denied accepting Gardner as a stepchild and contradicted him at every turn.

Freddie Triplett considers being one of most unpleasant and meanest stepfather. His rages made Gardner constantly blue and afraid Gardner, An expert on psychopathy Dr. Robert D. When he became an adult he pursuit of happiness essay to revenge for such bad treatment and violently abused Gardner and his family. John W. Livesley believes that the etiology of individual disorders within a wide framework where neither genetic spirited nor psychosocial factors may have considered for their development.

Whereas admitting research demonstrating that a lot of patients experience childhood miseries, Livesley does not clarify and explain an individual disorder as through the sequel of such events.

Instead, the author underlines the factors that keep up and support maladaptive features in the present. At the same time, Dr Stanton E.

Samenowa clinical psychologist, supposes that such kind of people like Freddie Triplett cause offence not because of parents, neighbors, unemployment and television but because of their mind. Samenow strongly believed that different thinking is the cause of psychopaths violent behavior. On the other hand Samenow underlines that everything and everyone is responsible for the offence. The environment, economy, policy, poverty are responsible for committing a crime, brutal treatment and abuse.

Once, Freddie Triplett because of groundless and irrational anger physically abused Chris. During cold winter, he threw him and his mother into the snow.

He did it at the time Gardner was taking a bath and was thrown out naked. The only way to curtail violence in such people is to change their way of thinking. Samenow found that such people think otherwise from a responsible person.

Freddie chosen to continue his behavior and to abuse Chris, his family and weak people. Wolman found some distinctive features between dangerous individuals, which are cruel and passive and the community which created them, pursuit of happiness essay. Freddie Triplett is an impassive, resourceful, amoral, impetuous and guileful individual. He is represented as no signs of remorse for his disgusting and terrible actions.

Wolman underlines that such people are totally lacking sympathy for a human being. The growth of sociopath behavior among children and adults, whether in a strained poor district or in a quiet suburban and country setting, is skillfully described by Dr Benjamin Wolman a famous national psychologist.

He supposes that the growth of sociopath individuals is accountable for the moral and ethical collapse, whereas at the same time proposing the contrary hypothesis that the moral and ethical collapse is accountable for the growth in the population of sociopaths.

Livesley supposes that personal behavior like Freddie Triplett had toward Chris Gardner is due to regularities and consistencies in the environment, pursuit of happiness essay.

Samenow underlines that even though they are not able to change their past, they can change their future. Of course Chris Gardner could escape or rescue his realities over any means accessible whether it was drugs or even mesmerism it would work. He was really afraid his stepfather. Even so, even during these bad and unfavorable times when everything was against him Gardner continued to struggle for everything better. He found some satisfaction and solace in reading various books in the library.

He ran with different crowds being a young person and usually stayed out of difficulty and trouble Gardner, It means that pari passu with physical abuse and violent, emotional abuse has important, pursuit of happiness essay, great and prevalent effects, pursuit of happiness essay.

Physical abuse increases the danger and risk of different individual problems, which include an antisocial personality disorder, Livesley emphasizes. Wolman emphasizes that parents and teachers sometimes may assist to the growth of sociopath and antisocial behavior. The way which parents bring pursuit of happiness essay their children may be significant. The author underlines that parents which allow their children to do whatever they want and those which do not teach their kids the importance of morality will default to tell apart wrong from right.

On the other hand, children of cruel and abusive parents, like Chris Gardner are generally very rough, aggressive, and unfriendly and used to hate and detest their parents. However, such children are not able to treat aggressively and rough against their own parents because they feel terror that they may retaliate. Instead such children conduct themselves rough and aggressively against weak people.

Thanks to the Navy Chris could leave his native city and start pursuit of happiness essay life from the beginning. At the age of twenty after the Navy Chris Gardner went to San Francisco where he got married and divorced. His wife was an educated and intelligent woman who was looking-for to sit for her dental boards. Right this time Gardner started a medical career, which led him to the market of medical equipment Gardner, He assisted with the surgeon investigation and was honorable as well-informed and intelligent expert in teaching medical interns on surgical methods Gardner, Gardner, a smart and intelligent salesman invests all the family money and savings in bone-density scanners.

This equipment was twice as costly as an x-ray equipment but with a little distinct image. Unfortunately, the money, Gardner earned as a salesman was not enough for him, his girlfriend and their son Gardner, Right that time, Gardner decided to change his profession and to earn more money. He was interested in selling, inspiration, business, motivation and social speaking.

Gardner was good with numbers and great with people. He became an internship in Dean Witter company. Chris wanted to gain an entry level position, beat each candidate pursuit of happiness essay obtain the position he wanted, pursuit of happiness essay. Chris Gardner became an interned person just around the time he became homeless. During his internship Chris was paid a little stipend, but it was too small for living in hotels all the time.

Right that time, his girlfriend left Gardner, and took their small son Christopher with her Gardner, Abandoned by own father and left to the depraved rage of a mean and cruel stepfather, Chris Gardner sworn that no matter what occurred in his own life, he would be committed and faithful father to his own kids. Induced and motivated by the promise Chris Gardner made to himself as a fatherless kid he took away his son. Such children will feel abandoned in case their parents are not sentimental, loving and attentive.

That is why Chris Gardner was trying to give his small son more love, attention, protection and stable life Gardner, Pursuit of happiness essay than give up his son, Gardner continued to follow his dream of being a successful and well-to-do businessman.

However, Samenow found that indigence, poverty, divorce and cruelty, the factors which Gardner had, were not the reasons of criminality. In his life Gardner used these two types of parenting behavior.

The first type of parenting behavior belongs to the relations between Chris Gardner and his stepfather, the pursuit of happiness essay is the relations between Gardner and Christopher, pursuit of happiness essay. It was difficult and complicated times for Gardner and his son.

Because of lack of money they spent nearly a year traveling among hotels and shelters. Gardner had to carry out their clothes on his back all the time they were traveling Gardner, Sometimes Gardner with Christopher slept at the office and was afraid to be discovered by the night guards and cleaning crew.

When Chris Gardner lived in shelters and hotels with his son, they used to play different games the main goal of which was to keep quiet, when people were searching them and knocking the door. Chris tried to make his best not to defeat Gardner, Chris Gardner is a personality with a response to the problems and tasks of everyday living.

Personality disorder is represented as an inability to get adaptive solutions to life problems and tasks, pursuit of happiness essay, and domains of sequel psychopathology proposed as coextensive Livesley, Chris Gardner is a real personality. The relations with his stepfather influenced his personality, but it gave him a strong desire not to be like Freddie was. The main principles in his life were to be a human, to be a real father to his son and to be a useful part of the society.

Thanks to these, Gardner became an individual with his own views on a human being and the importance to be a person, not a violent and cruel offender. The story of Chris Gardner is not particularly fresh, but his voice is pleasant and likable, pursuit of happiness essay, resulting in pursuit of happiness essay virtue and quality African-American. He is the person who he is, and he is a successful and great moneymaker.

Wolman believes that social harmony and true happiness are the main for each person.

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The Pursuit of Happyness Essay - Words | Bartleby

pursuit of happiness essay

 ·  Purtsuit or Happyness: True Story Christopher Paul Gardner (born February 9, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin) is a self-made millionaire, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and philanthropist who, during the early s, struggled with homelessness while raising his toddler son, Christopher, Jr. Gardner's book of memoirs, The Pursuit of Happyness, was The Pursuit of Happiness Essay. Words3 Pages. For our Economics subject, we watched The Pursuit of Happyness, a movie based on Chris Gardner, a salesman who was not making that much money and eventually experiences homelessness with his five-year old son. He faces problems when his wife is unwilling to accept his goal to become a stockbroker  · Pages: 4 ( words) Download Paper: Views: Based on the real life story of Chris Gardner, the Pursuit of Happyness looks at the crests and troughs in Chris’ life on his way to becoming a stock broker, and eventually as everyone knows, a multi-millionaire. Will Smith played the role of Chris Gardner while Smith’s son, Jaden Smith played Gardner’s 7 or Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

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