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Favourite hobby essay

Favourite hobby essay

favourite hobby essay

 · Essay on My hobby Dancing Like all other hobbies, dancing on melodious music is one of the most favorite hobbies around the world. It keeps active and alert. It is an art that is developed with intense and rigorous preparation of body and blogger.coms: 6  · Favorite Hobby (Essay Sample) September 26, by admin Essay Samples, Free Essay Samples. Facebook 0 Twitter 0 Google+ 0 Viber WhatsApp. Favorite Hobby. Each day comes with a new challenge. There are tasks that people have to engage in on a daily basis to make ends meet. These tasks are not necessarily what one likes  · Likewise, if you have a knack for dancing, you may teach dance classes to people on your holidays. This way your hobby a benefit you both spiritually and financially as well. Get the huge list of more than Essay Topics and Ideas. My Favourite Hobby. If I were to pick one favourite hobby Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins

6 Long and Short Essays on My Hobby in English for Students and kids

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. We all know what hobbies are- you know, those fun activities we love to favourite hobby essay on just to distract ourselves from the stresses of life. Hobbies make us feel rejuvenated and satisfied, even when our lives are going through some disappointing phase.

While others have been able to harness the power of their hobbies and converted them to money making ventures, many of us are just contented with favourite hobby essay joy and satisfaction we derive from them. Here are few essay examples on My Hobby. Order My Unique Sample. Listening to music has always been my go to activity for all occasions.

My love for music can be traced back to when I was a child. There are recorded videos of me as a child becoming hyperactive whenever music was played. I would run to the stereo, turn on the music to full volume and start running around dancing.

Anyone who dared touch the sound system would face my wrath. Music was the only thing that could calm me down whenever I cried.

I always have this weird feeling that my destiny is somehow intertwined with music. In my early teenage years, my girlfriends and I would sneak into the garage, where my brother and his band mates kept their musical equipment. Then, we would pluck guitar strings and knock the drums in an effort to compose our favorite songs. I was the lead singer by the way. Unfortunately for my brother and I, nothing much came out of the practice.

It was not just me and my brother, music runs in the whole family. I remember vividly on Friday nights, we used to do karaoke sessions where everyone took turns to sing a song, including our parents, favourite hobby essay. We had these sessions recorded and then sent to our neighbors for analysis. The winner would get a prize, bought from our individual savings, favourite hobby essay. We saved money on a weekly basis purely for the competition.

Needless to say, we were the creepy neighbors next door, but that did not stop me from claiming most of the prizes. Eventually, we outgrew the karaoke sessions and now, I mostly do the listening rather than the singing. Music gives me the needed refuge whenever I feel like my head is spinning and I just want to shut out everything around me. The good thing about music is that there is music for every occasion and feeling.

Whenever I feel depressed, I listen to sad songs. They guide me and keep me company during those trying moments. The beauty of music is that it can be incorporated with other hobbies, favourite hobby essay. For instance, I love reading a good book, as nice orchestra music is playing in the background. Another good thing about music is that it is universal.

You do not have to understand what the musician is saying for you enjoy it, favourite hobby essay. If it makes you feel good, then it is worth listening to it. I have an extensive collection of music that transcends across many genres all over the globe. However, I connect more with Country and Rock music. Travelling is one of those few activities that has a kind of reset button in our lives, favourite hobby essay.

You go away for a few days or weeks and come back fresh and ready to take on challenges of life head on. Travelling to many people is a matter of convenience, rather than a recreation activity. They only travel when they have an issue to attend to.

Travelling is also not for escapists, favourite hobby essay, as many people tend to believe. Travelling is a hobby like any other. Most people do not understand how favourite hobby essay from one place to another can be categorized together with fun activities like watching movies, swimming, dancing or drawing. While it has more challenges than other hobbies, it is more adventurous and brings the same level of satisfaction or more for those who love it.

Travelling has always been part of our family tradition. My parents taught us from an early age the value of taking vacations at least once a year. Though they wished we could go for many trips annually, we were not well off financially and my parents favourite hobby essay to work creatively with the little they had, favourite hobby essay, sometimes saving the whole year for a single trip.

We could have used credit cards, but that would have only plunged us into more financial woes. My father was very strict when it came to finances and he cautioned us against using debt to purchase luxuries. If we wanted something, then it was up to us to find creative and legal ways of making money to purchase it, favourite hobby essay. My parents found creative ways to work within the budget. Rarely did we use credit cards and if favourite hobby essay did, it favourite hobby essay a matter of life and death.

Therefore, most of our vacations were during the December holidays, favourite hobby essay. Those were the best days of my life. They were also the days that our family bonds were strengthened. We would fight and quarrel, but in the end we always came back together and worked things out. From those trips, we learnt more about life than the years we spent at home. What I have just stated may seem farfetched to a person who does not travel much, considering the brevity of vacations, but the reality is vacations never go as planned.

In vacations, there are many risks involved, favourite hobby essay. You are in a foreign land with new people and culture. You have to work with the little funds you have to make the trip as entertaining as possible, but with some level of constraint, favourite hobby essay, so that your family is not stranded. The beauty of travelling is that you can never really outgrow it.

I still do vacations as an adult, although my reasons may be slightly different from my parents. Working as a writer, I tend to feel burnt out living in the same environment for too long. Sometimes, I need a change of scenery for my artistry to see the light of day. It is a known fact in the literary world that most of the best writers had their best ideas in foreign lands.

I occasionally go for vacations for the sole reason of learning different cultures and interacting with different people to get ideas for my literary work. Furthermore, being away from home really makes you appreciate it even more. The feeling you get after a vacation when you settle down on your couch and just relax is priceless.

Travelling makes you appreciate people, their cultures and above all, it makes you appreciate your life and the little you have. Although I have several hobbies, such as watching movies and hiking, reading books is what resonates well with me. There are many reasons why I love reading.

The first reason is it gives me a level of fulfillment. That is, books rejuvenate me. After reading a book, I feel like a whole new being and my outlook in life changes. The second reason is books make my mind sharp. It is a known fact that books improve our brain muscles. They make favourite hobby essay think better and improve our decision making abilities. I find it funny that whenever I utter a clever quote from a book, everyone around me would be dumbfounded.

Furthermore, books are very wide and detailed. It seems like there is a book for anything you can think of, favourite hobby essay. If you want religious books, there is the Bible, the Quran and other spiritual books. There are financial books, inspirational books, favourite hobby essay books, business-related books, biographies, fictional and non-fictional- the list is endless. Reading is actually among favourite hobby essay few hobbies that you learn while doing it.

Due to my widely acquired knowledge from books, favourite hobby essay, I find it easy to jumpstart a conversation with a stranger, favourite hobby essay. I realized that people are more responsive when you engage them in topics they are familiar with.

While most people find reading an upheaval task, reading to me is like a calling. It just comes naturally to me. I have made it my culture to read at least a chapter before I hit the sack. Sometimes I read late into favourite hobby essay night, especially during the weekends and I only stop when my head becomes too drowsy to continue.

My reading culture is further heightened by my introversion. This is how I get my energy back. The outside can be too overwhelming for some of us. Whenever I feel like my energy has been milked dry by the outside world, I just take a few hours of reading to rekindle my spirits again.

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# 78 - My favourite hobby - Painting is my favourite hobby - A few lines on ' My favourite hobby' -

, time: 6:21

Essays on My Hobby; Singing, Dancing, Reading, Playing, Cooking

favourite hobby essay

 · Essay No 7 My hobby Playing( words): Ice hockey word known almost all over the world and people is aware of what it is. Hockey is the world’s most famous SPORT species than in football, but parts of the country nothing is blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins  · Favorite Hobby (Essay Sample) September 26, by admin Essay Samples, Free Essay Samples. Facebook 0 Twitter 0 Google+ 0 Viber WhatsApp. Favorite Hobby. Each day comes with a new challenge. There are tasks that people have to engage in on a daily basis to make ends meet. These tasks are not necessarily what one likes  · Essay on My hobby Dancing Like all other hobbies, dancing on melodious music is one of the most favorite hobbies around the world. It keeps active and alert. It is an art that is developed with intense and rigorous preparation of body and blogger.coms: 6

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