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Advanced essay

Advanced essay

advanced essay

26/2/ · C1 Advanced Writing Requirements. The C1 Advanced Writing exam has two writing parts, which you must complete in 90 minutes. Both parts have a word limit of between words. We recommend getting lots of writing practice under these conditions! Part 1 is always a discursive essay. It requires you to think about arguments for and against a blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins 16/12/ · C1 Advanced Essay (CAE) Examples December 16, by Andrew Girardin. This is a collection of CAE (Cambridge C1) essays written by my students, with my thoughts about them. There’s also a video I made of me writing an essay. If you want CAE writing tips, there are Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins How to Write a Great Essay in English! This lesson provides + useful words, transition words and expressions used in writing an essay. Let’s take a look! The secret to a successful essay doesn’t just lie in the clever things you talk about and the way you structure your blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins

A State Ranker's Guide to Writing 20/20 English Advanced Essays | Project Academy

December 16, by Andrew Girardin. This is a collection of CAE Advanced essay C1 essays written by my students, with my thoughts about advanced essay. If you want CAE writing tipsthere are lots in the writing section of this site. Special pandemic offer: For a limited time I am giving feedback on essays and reports, proposals etc sent in by students. Students like you! More information here. Write an essay for your tutor discussing two of the aspects in your notes. You should explain which aspect you think is the most important regarding these TV shows and provide reasons to support your opinion.

Reality television and talent shows have marked advanced essay turning point in the entertainment industry in just a few years.

Yet, although all the fun, viewers are often left feeling dumb, pointless and empty after watching these kinds of programmes. In this essay, two aspects regarding reality TV will be discussed: the quality of entertainment viewers are getting and the influence it has on young people. Some may find advanced essay TV entertaining, yet it is not precisely adding positive values to our society.

Flip through your channels for a minute and witness random people shopping compulsively or a judge humiliating amateur musicians on live television.

It is not to say that we should rely on TV to educate us, it is to say that its influence on the viewers must never be underestimated. Again, should a person in a power position mistreat another on prime time, why would not the rest of us do it at school or at work? Closely related to the point mentioned above is the influence that reality television has on our young. Not only is it worrying that our children's ultimate advanced essay is to be like Kim Kardashian, but also it is putting unnecessary pressure on parents.

Advanced essay one side, some of them state to be preoccupied for allowing their children be influenced by pointless characters. On the other, the younger ones might get mocked at by peers for not being up-to-date with the latest episodes. In my view, it is essential to limit and supervise the amount of time children and adolescents spend in advanced essay of the television. Otherwise, they could be easily deceived by the numerous illusions reality TV wants to sell.

A great essay! It flows well and there advanced essay lots of variations in sentence style that makes it interesting to read, advanced essay. A turning point from what to what? From boring TV to the golden age of TV? In contrast, the final sentence is super, so it ends on a high note.

And the phrase is better with exactly instead of precisely. The only mistake that really stops me from understanding her point is this one:.

some of them state to be preoccupied for allowing their children be influenced by pointless characters. Advanced essay parents claim. But advanced essay the task is to say which aspect is more important. Better to make it really clear that you are answering the question. You could do it like:.

Closely related to but even more important than the point mentioned above Did she say which was more important? She talks about one aspect, advanced essay, then another aspect, and mentions the second advanced essay in the advanced essay. This is from an official Cambridge test book.

The task says:. Your class has listened to a advanced essay discussion on how more young people can be encouraged to study science. You have made the notes below. How to encourage young people to study science. Recent discussions center around how to encourage young people to study science. The main options are advertising and school programmes.

School programmes are considered as a very effective channel to reach young people. It has been suggested that parents should also educate and teach more their children in a more scientific way, but this is rather a disputed than an established fact.

Although school programmes may be very successful and constructive for the pupils, it is probably true that the effects of advertising might have more positive consequences on the encouragement of children to study science, advanced essay. First, advertisements has a way to much forms: from a simple flyer to social media and it can carry a clever, funny and profound message that can easily reach young people.

On the other hand, advertising happens generally in an indirect way that has been proven more powerful. Taking everything into consideration, I believe that advertising would help more than school programmes in the end to encourage the pupils, advanced essay, as it inspires everybody and brings awareness to science in a proven and practical way. This student worked a lot on her writing and a few months after writing this, got a good Advanced essay grade.

So the section about advertising is VERY confusing! Motivating children to do regular exercise, advanced essay. Is your child also unwilling to use his excessive energy? I am happy to share with you two very good ways: school and parental example. Further, advanced essay, a surprising advanced essay, almost every regular school is associated with a or has its own sport club advanced essay a wide choice of sport activities.

The other way is your personal parental example. Children have a lot of energy and they need to build it up in order to reduce the daily stress and process emotions. It might not be astonishing for you that they are learning by copying their parents. Taking these ways into consideration, I believe advanced essay in first instance parental behavior would help more to encourage children towards active lifestyle.

In lack of this, advanced essay, the schools are just the second best option, advanced essay, but they complete each other very well. This student lives in Switzerland and to me the first sentence is a quite Germanic word order. It would be MUCH clearer like this:. The biggest challenge today in child education and parenting is how to motivate children to do regular exercise, advanced essay. The following essay was written by a student named Alina and is based on this task:.

There is much evidence that more and more youngsters have opted to stick to urban areas in the recent few decades. There are several grounds for such a tendency; however, it is generally believed that a wide range of job opportunities and a great variety of entertainment are among crucial factors, advanced essay.

But what is the major reason for young generation to settle down in the urban areas? To begin with, numerous companies and businesses presented in big cities serve as an enticement for young adults, who look to embark on a career in a dynamic working environment offering both professional development and competitive salaries.

Not only do they seek for career prospects and financial reward, but also fast-paced fields with cutting-edge technologies and challenging tasks are valuable for young people.

However, some lucrative position at first sight might as well turn out advanced essay be another heavy workload with endless red-tape and mundane tasks. Conversely, advanced essay, a hectic social life is what anyone would never fail to discover in any big city with a broad array of attractions for locals and tourists.

Unquestionably, local authorities should not underestimate the role of cultural events and put an emphasis on developing focal points to liven up rural areas which can potentially reverse the trend. This is good! But not all of the advanced language is used correctly, advanced essay. Hectic is a fairly negative word but here it seems to be used as a positive thing, advanced essay. And there advanced essay some more basic mistakes too.

There is a lot of evidence. Settle down in urban areas. The real question is, did Alina complete the task? She discusses two of the three points and she kind of says which is more important. But she does it by trying to solve the problem of young people moving to cities, advanced essay. C1 Advanced Essay CAE Examples.

The feedback is now in VIDEO FORMAT. Now on with the examples. Table of Contents. Example Essay 1 - Too Much Traffic, advanced essay. Example Essay 2 - The Kardashians TASK Aspects of reality and talent TV shows entertainment for viewers influence on young people effect on participants Write an essay advanced essay your tutor discussing two of the aspects in your notes.

Feedback: A great essay! There are some mistakes, advanced essay. Example Essay 3 - Young People vs Science This is from an official Cambridge test book.

The task says: Your class has listened to a radio discussion on how more young people can be encouraged to study advanced essay. How to encourage young people to study science Recent discussions center around how to encourage young people to study science.

Feedback: This student worked a lot on her writing and a few months after writing this, got a good C grade. Example Essay 4 - Advanced essay and Exercise. View fullsize. Feedback: This student lives in Switzerland and advanced essay me the first sentence advanced essay a quite Germanic word order. It would be MUCH clearer like this: The biggest challenge advanced essay in child education and parenting is how to motivate children to do regular exercise.

Example Essay 5 - Young People Prefer Cities The following essay was written by a student named Alina and is based on this task:, advanced essay. Feedback: This is good!

3 Simple Tips to Drastically Improve your Essay Writing for English

, time: 15:27

C1 Advanced Essay (CAE) Examples — CAE Exam Tips

advanced essay

In general, clarity/sophistication in Advanced essays comes from two main sources. Essay Structure. For most essays, the simplest and most effective overall structure looks like: Intro: Here, you answer the question with an argument, summarise your points and link to the rubric. 3 – 4 Body Paragraphs: Here, you actually make your points 26/2/ · C1 Advanced Writing Requirements. The C1 Advanced Writing exam has two writing parts, which you must complete in 90 minutes. Both parts have a word limit of between words. We recommend getting lots of writing practice under these conditions! Part 1 is always a discursive essay. It requires you to think about arguments for and against a blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Syllabus - What you will learn from this course Course Introduction. This is the third course in the Academic English: Writing specialization, and it is a more advanced Advanced Argument Essays. In the previous class, you learned about writing argument essays. Here you're going to learn Basic Info: Course 3 of 5 in the Academic English:

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